Online Game: QBz

We haven't had as many posts as usual on "The QBlog" lately mainly because I ran across this great puzzle game and have been instantly and totally addicted! You may think that QBz is related to QB and the QBlog because of its name ... but you'd be wrong. This is just a happy coincidence. This game is hosted on MySpace and is FREE to play. Give it a go and be sure to post your high-score in our comment section.
The game is simple to play and very compelling. Don't be surprised if you become as addicted to this online puzzle game as we are. Try not to leave any of the QBz behind in any given round. They get rather upset when they haven't been chosen before the end of the round and cry. Sad but cute.
Here's this game -----------> QBz
QBz is an exciting and fast-paced puzzle game featuring animated characters and fun sound effects. Players score points by clearing the board of QBz (colored blocks) within the set time limit. Click on groups of two or more adjacent QBz to earn points, and when you clear the entire board, you'll receive a time bonus and a board clearing bonus.
QBz is played in ten rounds, and the rounds work as follows:
Round 1 - 20 seconds to clear 16 QBz
Round 2 - 25 seconds to clear 25 QBz
Round 3 - 35 seconds to clear 36 QBz
Round 4 - 30 seconds to clear 36 QBz
Round 5 - 40 seconds to clear 49 QBz
Round 6 - 35 seconds to clear 49 QBz
Round 7 - 50 seconds to clear 64 QBz
Round 8 - 45 seconds to clear 64 QBz
Round 9 - 60 seconds to clear 81 QBz
Round 10 - 55 seconds to clear 81 QBz
For each level, you will be able to use three special moves. Special moves mix up the QBz by moving them clockwise, counterclockwise, or by mixing up all the QBz on the screen. These moves may or may not help you create matching groups of QBz.
Tips and Tricks
Don't click on the QBz indiscriminatelyy, there is a 10 point penalty for clicking on QBz that are not adjacent to a same color block.
Look for large clusters of same color QBz. The point bonus for large clusters is significant. A cluster of 4 or 5 QBz of the same color scores significantly more points than a cluster of 2 or 3.
Speed is very important too. First, you don't want to run out of time and leave potential points on the board. Second, you get a speed bonus for finishing the round quickly. And third, if you don't click on a special move quickly enough when there are no adjoining same-color QBz, your round could end before you get a chance to try to get 'em together.
Try not to leave single QBz of any color on the board. Consider using your special moves to regroup colors. You get a special bonus for clearing all the QBz in any given round.
QualityBargainz, LLC
At 3:42 PM,
QualityBargainz, LLC said…
You've scored 285,558 points
in QBz!
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