It's Open Season on Cockroaches

Imagine, if you will, groggily reaching for your morning's box of cereal. What to your wondering eyes should appear, but handful of dark roaches falling toward you. It's such a startling shock, your body won't need that hot, fresh cup of coffee.
Imagine, if you will, turning the corner in your hallway and being halted in your tracks by the site of fifty cockroaches sitting tight in a wiggly line as if they simultaneously rested during a cockroach Welcome Home parade. You might just run the other way.
Imagine, if you will, pulling open your desk drawer at work but your business cards aren't there. Or at least they don't look like they're there. Instead of business supplies, your eyes fixate upon a heap of 144 dark cockroaches (that's a gross, by the way).
Practice your best practical jokes by pulling hilarious pranks on your so-called funny friends. Have fun while practicing your gags on your family. Treat every day like April Fool's Day!
QualityBargainz, LLC
Labels: cockroaches, creepy, gross, halloween, props
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