We had a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner with our friends and family this year, and hope you did, too! One of the guests brought a fun little game that was a big hit at this year's holiday gathering. We like to call it the "Who Am I?" game. It is easy to play and cheap to make ... what could be better?
How to play:
Each person is assigned the name of a famous person. This famous person could be alive or dead, real or fictional. The famous person's name is affixed to each player’s back so everyone else can see who they are, but they can't see it themselves.
The object of the game is to ask other people "yes or no" questions about themselves in order to determine which famous person they are. Don't tell them who their famous person is, nor give them any extra clues. Simply answer their "yes or no" questions and allow them to put their deductive reasoning skills to work.
Some sample questions might include: (a) Am I still alive?, (b) Am I female?, (c) Am I an actor?, (d) Am I Hispanic?, (e) Did I ever invent anything?, (f) Do I have blonde hair?
Some sample famous people might include: (a) Barbara Walters, (b) Johnny Cash, (c) Martha Stewart, (d) Dr. Suez, (e) Santa Claus, (f) George Washington.
What you will need to play:
Our friend went above and beyond this year and printed off famous people's names on Avery labels. It was quick, easy and self-sticking. Peel off a name, slap it on someone's back and repeat until everyone has a famous name on their back.
No time to plan? Don't want to spend the money on printed labels? No problem. Just write out famous people's names on regular scrap paper and tape them to your guests' backs.
The most important "needed item" of the game is a group of friends and family to play with. This game is quick, easy, fun and a great icebreaker at medium to large gatherings.
Our friend even brought scratch-off lottery tickets to give away as prizes when the guests guessed who their famous person was. Prizes are fun but completely optional.
QualityBargainz, LLC